XCentric-Ripper Benelux B.V.
As of January 1, 2014, XCentric-Ripper Benelux is the official importer of Xcentric Ripper in the Benelux.
We are confident that with the incorporation of XCentric-Ripper Benelux, which belongs to the same group as the factory, we are now well-positioned to supply and support the Benelux market.
XCentric-Ripper Benelux will establish a dealer network to distribute the Xcentric® Ripper attachment in the Benelux market through this network, support its dealers, and act as a direct link between Benelux dealers and the Spanish factory. Future regional dealers must meet strict criteria regarding knowledge, skills, service, geographic coverage, and maintenance capabilities.
Lozerweg 10, 6006 SR Weert, Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)495 - 561929
Email: info@xcentricripper.eu